Minerva Learning Trust
Register for our upcoming Open Evening (2025 starters)
Click here to find out Information for September 2024/2025 for Years 7 to 11 students
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This is just
the Start

We’re here to guide & inspire you
on your Journey to be the best you can.


Welcome to
High School

Our school is rooted in the heart of the community of Stocksbridge and surrounding areas. We are an 11-16 comprehensive school with 850 students on roll. Our core aim is to provide the best educational opportunities so that our students grow and develop to be ambitious, prepared and qualified for their next steps in life.

We aim to instil our core values of being positive, caring, courageous and reflective in students. This is achieved through providing an ambitious curriculum, high quality teaching, and pastoral support for young people at every stage in their journey through Stocksbridge High School.

We strive to establish strong and supportive partnerships with parents and carers so that we collaborate to enable our students, your children, to aim high, work hard and continually try their very best.

We are proud to be part of Minerva Learning Trust and work with colleagues from across all Trust schools to continually develop both our educational provision and skills.

Mr Ireland Headteacher

Facilities at Stocksbridge

We provide an excellent learning environment though modern and well-maintained buildings and facilities. The school building has been entirely refurbished and partially rebuilt with wide access to technology both within classrooms and in multiple break-out spaces.

We host a range of community groups and sports activities in our facilities. Lettings details are available by following the link below.

Stocksbridge is easily reached from Sheffield but our close proximity to the M1 means it is an easy commute from all of South Yorkshire and beyond. We enjoy beautiful surroundings as we neighbour the Peak District National Park.

Find out more

Supporting the Community

As a community school we work closely with our family of primary schools to ensure a strong and smooth transition process. We are keen that children across our family of schools interact and become familiar with our building and routines well before they start at secondary school.

The school council provides a voice and leadership for students in the school. Representing all year groups, they oversee charitable fundraising, develop enrichment activities and work with school leaders on developing provision and support.

We always welcome the view of parents and carers and will always respond to suggestions and feedback. There are many opportunities throughout the year for parents and carers to visit school to discuss progress and support.

School Calendar

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