Minerva Learning Trust

Life+ / RSHE / SMSC / BV

Woven throughout all year groups is the provision for social, moral, spiritual, and cultural (SMSC) development. This crucial aspect of the curriculum prepares young people with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate life in modern Britain. It nurtures an appreciation of art, music, sport, and other cultural pursuits while encouraging students to develop informed opinions on social and moral issues. Moreover, SMSC highlights the importance of understanding Britain’s democratic system, including the voting process and political structures, as a key element of cultural development. These themes are integrated into every subject and are also reflected in extracurricular activities such as assemblies, form times, clubs, and trips.

**Life+** is a relatively new subject taught to all year groups from Year 7 to Year 11, with students receiving one hour of lessons every fortnight. In Years 7 to 9, students also attend one distinct Religious Education (RE) lesson per fortnight, delivered by a specialist, while Year 10 students study a unit of RE during the summer term.

Life+ encompasses all aspects of the statutory 2020 Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RSHE) curriculum. It also addresses citizenship, British values, and living in the wider world through form times, personal development programmes, and focused drop-down sessions.

To complement these lessons, we regularly invite guest speakers and host assemblies, enriching students’ understanding and engagement with the topics covered.

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