Ofsted Report
You will be aware that Stocksbridge High School was inspected by Ofsted in May. I am absolutely delighted to inform you that Stocksbridge High School was found to be good in all areas, which means we are rated as a good school overall.
This good rating comes nearly six years since the school was last inspected and before it converted to academy status with Minerva Learning Trust. Significant parts of the inspection process involved discussions with students, parents and carers about their perception of the school and the quality of education and support we offer. As Headteacher, my aim is to ensure that our provision is as supportive and ambitious as possible and that we are developing a community school in which we can all feel proud. The inspection outcome is a true reflection of the teamwork, dedication and resilience of everyone that has strived to drive our school forward since the last inspection.
In the report, inspectors praise the ambition of the curriculum and how teachers challenge their pupils to achieve their best. They identify the wide range of activities for pupils to take part in at school and remarked how we ensure that there are equal opportunities for all to participate. Inspectors also praised the school’s approach to safeguarding stating “Governors and leaders place safeguarding as a priority for all”. They found that bullying is not tolerated and that pupils are encouraged to report their concerns. Please do take the opportunity to read the report fully.
You will see that, as in any school, there remain some areas for improvement. Please be assured that we are well aware of them and that these are priorities for our school development plan. There is strong capacity in the school to build further on this success which will be achieved through even closer partnerships with the families and community we serve.
For more information on our previous and most recent Ofsted reports, please visit the reports.ofsted.gov.uk website.