Minerva Learning Trust

Alternative Learning Pathways & Provision

Alternative Learning Pathway (ALP) and the Entry Level Pathway (ELP)

KS3 Alternative Learning Pathway (ALP)

In KS3 selected students are removed from their humanities and French lessons to work with our ‘Closing the Gap’ primary school teaching specialist on a literacy based, thematic approach to these subject areas.

Alterative Learning Pathway supports selected students in closing the gap between their reading attainment and that needed to access learning across the curriculum. The teaching focusses the development of fluency and accuracy when reading; phonic work and recall of the key reading vocabulary plays a huge part in this process. Also, children are supported in developing a better understanding of texts by teaching pupils how to retrieve information and an understanding of how inference works.

Assessments are carried out throughout the year at points which will pin point key areas of focus and teaching. Students who are on the ALP pathway are reviewed frequently and will return to their Humanities and French lessons when they have made positive progress in their literacy levels.

KS4 Entry Level Pathway (ELP)

Students are chosen for this pathway when investigating their KS4 option subjects. Working with our SENDCO and other key progress and support staff, students are directed into choosing 3 subjects with their remaining time focussed on developing key skills to support across the curriculum.


Entry Level Pathway provision for English focusses upon developing the students’ skills in reading and writing. Work supports the developing of fluency and accuracy at reading, as well as supporting the retrieval of information from the text. Students are provided with tasks which encourages them to write for different purposes and aids their understanding of writing features.


Entry Level Maths supports our students by helping them become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice, so that students develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge with increasing speed and accuracy.

It will aid students in their reasoning mathematically by following a given line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument or justification making use of mathematical language.

It will help the students solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simple steps and persevering in seeking solutions.


The Entry Level Certificates are a suitable choice for students who may find the GCSE (9-1) Combined Science course challenging. The course will enable students to acquire a body of basic scientific knowledge and understanding; to acquire a wider knowledge and understanding of some of the important applications of science to their lives and the world they live in.

This pathway supports and works alongside the expectation that students will still be accessing all core subjects as part of their curriculum. It enriches the core subjects and gives them a good foundation for learning.

The work carried out in these lessons benefits their core lessons as well as provide an opportunity to be entered in to AQA Entry Level qualification at one of 3 levels. Teachers will decide the most appropriate level. Assessments are carried out throughout the year at points when students are deemed ready for the assessment.