Minerva Learning Trust

Adverse Weather

If there is severe weather overnight 

If the school has to be closed, a text message will be sent out to all parents as soon as the decision has been made.

Closure will also be communicated by our website and through our official social media pages by 7am at the latest.

Please assume school is open if you have not received a text or the school website/ social media does not announce otherwise. Our aim is always to keep the school open, but we must take into account the access routes to school, the safety of students and staff on their journey and, the safety of the school to run safely and securely for the school day. The message will indicate that there will be either a later start – with a specified time, or that school will be closed.  

If any student arrives at school unaware of the closure, a member of staff will be there to assist.

If the weather deteriorates during the day

We may encounter a situation where school is in session and the weather deteriorates during the day. A prime consideration is for those students who live out of area and/or use either the school bus or public transport. Our decision will be based in conjunction with the bus companies.

Once again we will share information via text, school website and social media (X and Facebook) as soon as a decision has been made.

We will not close the building and students who are not able to make their own way home or are unable to return home will be supervised in school until contact with home has been made and a plan is in place.

For safeguarding reasons, we expect all parents and carers to make a plan with their children about what to do should this situation arise.  

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

MINERVA Adverse Weather Policy

Accessibility Statement