Minerva Learning Trust


If your child is going to be absent or late, please telephone 0114 288 3153 before 8:30 am

Attendance Policy

Attendance Expectations

  • Stocksbridge High School expects Students to: 
  • Aim to achieve 100% attendance during an academic year. 
  • Meet the attendance target of 97% for every student. 
  • Arrive equipped and ready to learn. 
  • Follow registration procedure. 
  • Inform the Attendance officer in reception of known absences in advance (appointment card or letter). 
  • Sign in/out at reception should they arrive after 9am and leave before 3pm (only with an authorised note). 


  • Students must arrive at school between 8:15am and 8:40am.
  • Parents are expected to call in before 8:45 am if their child will be late.
  • From 8:40 am to 9:00 am, a member of staff will be at the late gate. Any student arriving after 8:40 am will receive a Late (L) mark for Period 1.
  • Students arriving after 9:00 am must sign in at the visitor reception and register on the Entry System.
  • If students are late to school, they will receive a detention that day:
  •      Arriving between 8:40am and 9:00 am: 10 minutes after school
  •      Arriving between 9:00 am and 9:45 am: 20 minutes after school
  •      Arriving after 9:45 am: 30 minutes after school
  • Students who are late more than twice in a week will receive a 50min detention. 

Class Punctuality

  • Good punctuality to lessons starts with “The Stocksbridge Switch”:
  • Staff present on corridors and classroom doors at first bell
  • Teacher greets students at the door as they enter the classroom
  • Student stand behind seat until instructed to sit
  • All lessons to commence with “Do Now” retrieval task
  • Teacher must complete full and accurate register within the first 5min – all students to respond in an appropriate manner
  • Consistency is expected of all staff
  • Lessons ending promptly to ensure swift arrival at next lesson
  • Staff to be at the door when the students leave the room


Internal Truancy is:

  • Not being in lesson with no reason (planner)
  • Not arriving to lesson in the first ten minutes.
  • Walking out of lesson and away from the classroom without teacher consent.
  • Not going straight to lesson / tutor when arriving late to school.
  • Hiding in areas of school during lesson time.
  • Not following staff instructions and running away from staff (student support / or other staff)

External Truancy is:

  • Failing to attend school for whole or part of the school day without the knowledge and consent of parents / Carers.
  • Absconding from the school premises without permission and parental consent
  • Staff should always speak to students and establish the reasons for not being in lesson. If these are genuine and the student provides legitimate reasons then they should be returned to lesson without delay.  

Support Process

  • Weekly Review: Form Tutors review the individual attendance of their students each week.
  • Targeted Support: Students with attendance below 97% will receive additional discussion and support from their Form Tutor.
  • Rewards: Students maintaining attendance of 97-100% throughout the year will qualify for rewards trips, recognising their commitment.
  • Planner Updates: Each week, Form Tutors ensure that students log their attendance on the designated page of their planner.
  • Attendance Awareness: Every half term, Form Tutors highlight the link between strong attendance and academic success, reinforcing its importance
  • This proactive approach helps ensure that attendance is monitored, supported, and celebrated, fostering both student well-being and academic achievement.
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