Student Leadership
The school promotes student leadership, citizenship and positive role-modelling through the school council.
It provides students with a voice within the school and It is a forum for dialogue with the school’s leadership team.
This year we have re-launched our school council as a 'Smart School Council' where everyone has a voice in school.
The council is made up of a communication team and action teams.
Our communication team will be the students who will discuss issues of bullying, the school environment and additional activities. They will oversee the charitable fundraising of the school community and will be working on a programme of enrichment experiences for students.
The action teams will be for anyone to join and support making a difference in our school and in the community.
Throughout the year, the communication team will meet to decide on issues they wish to address and will then get the opinion of every student in school as to how they want to resolve that issue.
If a student wishes to be a part of the communication team, they must submit a written application form. Any students are welcome to join the action teams when they are created.