Minerva Learning Trust

Literacy & Numeracy

 Quality First Teaching

At Stocksbridge High School, we prioritise Quality First Teaching with a strong emphasis on literacy, including reading, writing, and speaking. Our staff receive ongoing training to enhance oracy, comprehension, and vocabulary skills in the classroom. Our daily, essential literacy provisions include: 


  • Targeted Questioning: We use strategies like Cold Call, Say It Again Better, No Opt Out, and Think, Pair, Share to encourage extended responses and build confidence in oral communication.
  • Opportunities for Discussion: Planned activities include paired and group work.
  • Seating Plans: Designed to promote peer support and encourage collaborative talk. 

Reading (including Vocabulary and Comprehension)

  • Reading to Learn: Integrated into the Medium-Term Plans (MTP) for English, Humanities, and Science in Years 7 and 8.
  • Language for Learning: Focus on teaching key vocabulary across all subjects.
  • Classroom Environments: Designed to support Tier 3 vocabulary with displays and key terms.
  • Knowledge Organisers: Emphasise key vocabulary and definitions, with homework centred on retrieving disciplinary language.
  • Exam Preparation: Explicit teaching of command language and strategies.
  • Biannual Reading Tests: Conducted for all year groups, with results shared on SIMS/MINT to inform planning. 


  • Extended Writing Opportunities: Incorporated across the curriculum.
  • Scaffolding: Use of writing frames, sentence starters, and visualisers to support extended writing.
  • Live Marking: Provides immediate feedback and responsive teaching. 

Additional Literacy Provision 

Reading-Based Interventions

  • We recognise the importance of strong reading and comprehension skills for success in Years 7-11. Our interventions include:
  • Guided Reading (Years 7-9): Weekly sessions where students read a novel together, fostering vocabulary, comprehension, and a love of reading.
  • Reading Tests: Conducted twice a year for all students in Years 7-10, with reading ages shared with staff to inform planning and identify pupils who may require more support
  • Reading Interventions for Below-Average Students:
  • Reading Leaders: Y7/8 students read with older students to boost confidence in vocabulary and fluency.
  • Lexia Programme: Targeted students use this IT-based programme twice a week to improve reading and comprehension, which can also be accessed at home.
  • Alternative Learning Pathway: For some Y7 and Y8 students, additional lessons focused on reading and vocabulary replace MFL and Humanities. Progress is assessed termly to transition students back into the normal curriculum.
  • Vocabulary Improvement Programme: Delivered on a 1:1 basis for targeted students.
  • Exam Access Arrangements: Assessments are made for students requiring additional support during exams, including extra time, readers, and scribes. 

Enrichment Activities

We promote reading through various enrichment opportunities. Our library is well-stocked and provides materials that suit all students’ interests and abilities. Throughout the year, we celebrate National Reading Events, such as World Book Day, and introduce new book clubs and reading initiatives. Our student council is also actively involved in developing reading projects. 


Form Time

During form time, students engage in sessions focused on essential numeracy skills, including calculations with time and money.

Alternative Learning Pathway

For some students in Years 7 and 8, we offer an alternative learning pathway to enhance numeracy skills and address any gaps.

Financial Literacy

Year 10 students participate in a financial literacy programme during form time, utilising resources from Martin Lewis to prepare for life after school. Numeracy skills are integrated across various subjects, allowing students to apply what they’ve learned in different contexts.


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