Minerva Learning Trust

Student Destinations

The following data outlines the achievements of our most recent year 11 leavers (2023) and their known destinations. The survey conducted by Sheffield City Council demonstrated the following destinations for Stocksbridge High School students after GCSE level education: 

Full Time Education 132 83.54% includes those attending an education institution designated as a school or college by the DfE.
Training 3 1.90% any other Full Time Education generally delivered by private training providers (not including Apprenticeships)
Apprenticeship 14 8.86% young people on a government funded Apprenticeship scheme.
Employment with Training 3 1.90% full time employment that includes work towards a regulated qualification, not including Apprenticeships
Employment No Training 1 0.63% any full time Employment where a young person is not also undertaking a regulated qualification.
NEET - Active 3 1.90% those in part time or temporary Employment, or voluntary work and those seeking education employment or training.
Neet - Not Active 0 0 includes young people who are not able to participate in Education Employment and Training, incuding those who are ill, pregnant or have full time caring responsiblities (e.g) parents.
Activity Not Known 2 2% where destinations could not be identified, including young people known to have moved away but where their activity could not be established in their new place of residence.
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