Minerva Learning Trust

Literature Matters

Around the school, our English Subject Leader has been displaying important quotes from the plays and books that students need to learn for their GCSE. Check out the latest ones in the diner area! It's been wonderful hearing students talk about how helpful this has been—just reading the quotes in passing is helping them absorb the material with ease.

Literature is incredibly important! In KS4, our students study Macbeth, A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls, and Time and Place Poetry. Knowing key quotes can make all the difference when it comes to exams and understanding the stories in depth.

If you're a parent, carer, or grandparent of a Year 10 or 11 student, please talk to them about these quotes! You could even test them! Encourage them to watch clips, films, or anything that helps them learn these stories better. Our children have such great memories—just think of all the song lyrics they (and we) know by heart! They can definitely master this material too.

We'll continue filling the school with famous quotes to help them along the way. Let’s support our students and keep their learning journey as fun and engaging as possible!

#Literaturematters #SupportourStudents #Readingiskey

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