Minerva Learning Trust

English Revision on the Line

This week, our English team - Miss Hodkin and Mrs Sherif, along with Mrs Jackson, and Mrs Storr – were out on the line bright and early, greeting our Year 11 students with some GCSE English revision! We quizzed them on key quotes from A Christmas Carol – asking who said it, when, and why – and we were thrilled with how engaged and enthusiastic the students were. They really rose to the challenge!

We’re doing this because revision is key, especially with their mocks coming up. As our Year 11s approach their final GCSE exams, we want to make sure they’re constantly revisiting key texts like A Christmas Carol, Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, and their poetry anthology.

Thank you for supporting your child with their revision at home. Every little bit helps, so if you can, please test them at home – it makes a big difference!