Minerva Learning Trust

Malham Youth Hostel Trip

Last week 29 students went to Malham Youth Hostel in North Yorkshire to take part in the Generation Green Project.

The Generation Green project, hosted by the Youth Hostels Association (YHA) in collaboration with the Access Unlimited coalition, aimed to connect young people with nature.

The primary objectives of the trip were:

• To improve diversity in access to nature.

• To inspire young people to pursue careers in the environmental and outdoor learning sectors.

• To enhance the wellbeing of young people through nature connection.

During the trip, students engaged in various activities designed to connect them with nature. These included a night hike, fire building skills, walks to Malham Cove and Gordale Scar to examine the limestone formations, Campfire cooking and a scavenger hunt with an insect/bug theme!

Our students conducted themselves admirably, lived our school values, learnt new skills and made memories that will last a lifetime.