Minerva Learning Trust

North Star Trip

On Wednesday, 20th November, a select group of Year 9 students had the exciting opportunity to visit the North Star Science School at Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park in Rotherham. Only 500 students from across the UK were chosen for this prestigious event, where they were privileged to witness a live presentation by Professor Brian Cox on the possibility of life in our universe and the mind-blowing physics behind black holes.

Our students participated in various workshops, including designing hearing aids and experiencing the technology firsthand, using infra-red cameras in industry (demonstrated with delicious, melted chocolate!), an army team-building exercise, and VR headset technology simulating a shuttle launch. These were just a few of the many events and talks throughout the day.

Our students conducted themselves brilliantly during the intense day, fully engaging in all activities and embodying our school values of positivity, kindness, confidence, and reflection. A massive well done to all - Marnie, James, Liam, Flynn, Archie, Ben, Amelia, Abi, Alyssa and Madison.

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