Minerva Learning Trust

Whitwelll Library

We are delighted to say that the new Whitwell Library is fully up and running. Students have been busily using the library at break, lunchtime and after school for reading and for homework. The library has been moved upstairs to make it more accessible and to put it into the heart of the school.

We have already loaned nearly 200 books in the first week! This is only set to grow as more and more students visit, either at social times, or through their English lessons. Not only that, we have recruited 18 student librarians and given out a further 61 library passes! Again, all in a week!

As you can see, it’s a vibrant, colourful space, which is also welcoming and open to all. If anyone has any library books that have been previously borrowed and forgotten about, we’d gratefully receive them back. Similarly, if anyone has books they’d like to donate, we’d be thrilled with those as well! We are always looking to grow our stock of books!

Finally, students who have finished books are being asked to review them – five star reviews from last week, include The Butterfly Assassin, reviewed by Georgia A, Two can Keep a Secret, reviewed by Esther O, and The Sad Ghost Club, Volume 2, reviewed by Lewis P.  

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