Uniform & Equipment
Full school uniform is classed as the following:
- Plain black, full-length polyester/cotton trousers. (Other styles of trouser are not permissible. These include leggings, jeans, chinos, jeggings, joggers)
- Students may wish to wear a black knee length polyester or cotton skirt
- Plain white shirt, buttoned fully to the neck. Long sleeved shirts must have sleeves rolled down and shirts must be tucked in at all times
- A tie.
- Branded grey school jumper or cardigan with sleeves rolled down. This must be worn at all times on corridors, at break/lunch and during assembly. During lessons they may be removed and placed on at the end of the lesson). During warmer weather school will communicate to parents when students can stop wearing jumpers/cardigans. No personal jumpers are permitted.
- Belts must be plain black with a discreet buckle. No patterns on the belt or branded buckles are permissible.
- Plain black knee length shorts with plain black socks
- Students should wear leather or leather look shoes/trainers, no canvas material, no other colours or branding .
Make-up must be natural, and discreet. The following make up would be considered appropriate for school:
- Light Foundation
- Lightly applied mascara
- Lip balm
- Students are not permitted to wear the following make-up:
- Lipstick
- Eye shadow
- Heavy blusher
- Fake eyelashes
- Fake nails - If natural nails are unsuitably long for activities in school, students will be asked to reduce their nails to a suitable length. Students are expected to comply with this request. School will apply the same sanctions as false nails if the length of nails are not shortened in an appropriate amount of time.
Students are not permitted the following items of jewellery:
- No visible facial piercings including; eyebrow, lip, nose, tongue etc.
- No bars
- Any hooped earing
- No body piercings
- Students will be expected to remove such piercings during the school day. If students have piercings done during the academic year which do not comply, they will still be expected to remove these even if this means a risk of the piercing ‘healing up’.
PE Kit
- PE Kit - Students are expected to wear the following items of PE kit (All students must bring full kit even if they are unable to take part in a lesson):
- PE t-shirt – Black/Maroon (Initials added on the chest for £1 is optional)
- PE Hoody* – Maroon/Black (Initials added on the chest for £1 is optional)
- Black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings
- Trainers
- *Hoody not compulsory for each lesson – but will be the only outdoor wear accepted in PE lessons
PE Jewellery
- Jewellery must be discreet and pupils will be asked to remove it for PE and aspects of Design and Technology for safety reasons. The following items are considered appropriate jewellery to be worn for school:
- Small stud earrings (Max 10mm Diameter).
- One bracelet
- Single neck chain (not worn outside of the shirt).
- One, small, plain ring.
- One watch
Haircuts must be in a natural colour and an appropriate style for school—no unnatural colours or shaved lines or patterns in hair.
It is expected that students have the following equipment with them:
- Planner
- Reading book
- Pencil case including the following:
- Pencils
- Pencil sharpener
- Pens (black or blue, green)
- Whiteboard pen
- Ruler
- Rubber
- Glue stick
Maths equipment including:
- Scientific calculator
- Compass
- Protractor