Minerva Learning Trust


Stocksbridge High School expects Students to: 

• Aim to achieve 100% attendance during an academic year. 

• Meet the attendance target of 97% for every student. 

• Arrive equipped and ready to learn. 

• Follow registration procedure. 

• Inform the Attendance officer in reception of known absences in advance (appointment card or letter). 

• Sign in/out at reception should they arrive after 9am and leave before 3pm (only with an authorised note).

SHS Lateness 

Students must arrive between 8.35am - 8.45am

Parents are expected to phone in before 8.45am

From 8.45am - 9am a member of staff will be at the late gate. Any student arriving late to period 1 after 8.45am are given a Late (L) mark.

Students arriving after 9am have to sign in at visitor reception and register on the Entry System.

If students are late to school they will be given detention that day:

between 8.45-9am - 10 minutes after school

between 9-9.45am - 20 minutes after school

after 9.45am - 30 minutes after school

More than 2 lates in a week will result in a 1 hours detention after school on Friday.

Persistent lateness will result in period 6 been legally added to your child's timetable meaning the school day will finish at 4pm

SHS Absence 

A student with unexplained absences from school will be contacted by text or phone before 10am on the first day of absence.

On the second consecutive day of absence, without contact, they will be phoned in person (except on Fridays, which will be treated as the third day).

If there is still no contact on the third consecutive day, the attendance and safeguarding team will arrange a home visit.

Every week Form Tutors review students’ individual attendance.

Students with less than 97% attendance are targeted by Form Tutors for extra discussion.

Students with 97-100% will meet one of the criteria for our rewards trips at the end of the year.

Each week, Form Tutors ensure that students write their attendance onto the relevant page of their planner.

Every half term, Form tutors remind students about the correlation between attendance and academic success.